Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dear Alyssa – Month 10

10 months

Dear Alyssa –

Last week you turned 10 months old! Hard to believe your birthday is right around the corner. Catch up on previous monthly updates here:

And read Squish's 10-month update here!

10 months

You continue to be quite the eater. You will eat pretty much anything and everything we put in front of you. I'm not quite sure where you put it all. You love fruit, avocado, sweet potatoes, roasted carrots, Cheerios, yogurt, peanut butter toast, eggs and more. You're not crazy about zoodles or black beans but that's about it so far.

You eat way more food than your brother did at this age (which I didn't think was possible) and occasionally even eat more than he does now!

10 months

You're also still nursing. I continue to feed you on demand so there's no real pattern to when or how often you nurse but it's rarely for more than 10-15 minutes at a time, several times throughout the day.

Your sleeping habits left something to be desired this month. After a couple month stretch of solid 12 hour nights with one wake up to eat, this month you reverted back to waking up 3-4 times a night and skipping naps for about 2 weeks straight. You haven't gotten any more teeth and you weren't sick so I'm not really sure what was going on…but the second half of the month your nighttime sleeping got a little better, although you're still refusing to nap more than 20-30 minutes a couple times a day

10 months

Your brother started early preschool this month. It's 2 mornings a week from 8:30-11:30 and mommy had high hopes that the timing would work out well and I could drop him off, put you down for a nap and have a couple hours to work. You seem to have other ideas so we've been spending our mornings together laughing, talking and playing with all of your brother's toys.

You continue to be obsessed with your brother. You watch everything he does, smile whenever he looks at you and try to steal his toys. Mommy and daddy have to run a lot of interference but occasionally you play together and it's so cute. He's even started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to you when you cry in the car and it melts my heart. He loves coming in to wake you up in the morning or after a nap and when you cry he tells me you're tired and need to take a nap.

10 months

You love your blankie. It's one of the only things that calms you down immediately and you're happiest when you're sleeping with it shoved in your mouth.

10 months

You're a water baby for sure and a fearless one at that. We set up the slip and slide a couple times this month and you went down it with gusto several times. You also love sitting under the water in the shower and crawling around in the swimming pool.

You're in the phase where you want to put everything in your mouth so trips to the playground etc are tricky. I'm constantly watching to make sure you're not shoving rocks and mulch into your mouth.

10 months

For the most part, you're a happy girl but when you're not happy OHHHHH BOY do you let us know it. Usually, it's related to lack of food or sleep but you still have your moments when you seem to exercise your lungs for no good reason.

You're not walking yet but you love standing up. In fact, stand up, sit down, stand up is one of your favorite games. You love pulling anything you can reach onto the floor, your music table, your stacker rings and any toy your brother happens to be playing with.

You're wearing 12 month, 12-18 month and 18 month clothing. Some of your 6 months pants (and 6-12 month onsies) still fit but are more capris than pants.

You chatter constantly and dadada is your newest sound. You're a master stair climber but are not good at going back down them. You're a tough little one and love to wrestle with your brother who hasn't quite mastered the gentle touch when playing with you.

10 months

Mommy is patiently waiting for your hair to come in so you can have ponytails, braids etc.

You love your daddy, could care less about TV, are obsessed with chewing on iphones, and hate lying down to get your diaper changed.

Mama loves you, sweet girl.

The post Dear Alyssa – Month 10 appeared first on The Lean Green Bean.

Original Content: Dear Alyssa – Month 10

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