Sunday, October 8, 2017

Dear Alyssa – Month 11

Dear Alyssa-

We're almost there, baby girl. Can't believe you'll be a year old in less than a month! In stark contrast to the first half of your life, you're now such a happy girl most days. You love smiling and your grin lights up your whole face.

Rest assured, there were still plenty of tears this month…especially during the week where your newest tooth came in….but for the most part you're happy unless you're tired or hungry.

Speaking of food, you love it. We continue to be astounded by how much food you can eat. You like most things, but have definitely started to show your preferences. Meat is not really your favorite. You love any kind of carbohydrate (like your mama), plus fruits and lots of vegetables. Sweet potatoes and carrots are still your favorite. You're also a huge fan of curry!

We're still nursing but it's slowly coming to an end. You're down to just 3 quick nursing sessions a day…after breakfast, after your afternoon nap and before bed. I'll miss our time together when it ends but I'm grateful we were able to make it this long.

This month we made two trips to Minnesota and you were a champ. You did well on the plane, slept fairly well (much better than your brother did) and even behaved yourself and let some family friends babysit you while daddy and I went to a wake, a funeral and a rehearsal dinner. You got to wear a pretty dress when we went to mommy's cousin's wedding and everyone oohed and ahhed over you.

You're very busy all the time. In stark contrast to your brother, you still have no interest in TV. You love putting things into boxes and then taking them out again, over and over, as well as opening and shutting drawers. Your favorite thing to do is crawl up the stairs…even though you know you're not supposed to do it by yourself. As soon as we say your name, you turn around and give us a big smile and then continue to scramble upward as fast as you can.

You want to do absolutely everything your brother is doing, which he doesn't love. But occasionally you guys play together and it's adorable. The rest of the time mommy and daddy referee and try to keep him from pushing you down.

You can stand on your own for a few seconds at a time and are getting really good and cruising around behind your walker toy. I think you'll be walking before your birthday.

You love your daddy and "da da" is the only word you say.

You're wearing mostly 12 month and 12-18 month clothes, although some 6-12 stuff still fits you…and size 4 diapers.

You continue to sleep pretty well. Most nights you're asleep by 7:30 and sleep until around 8am. Naps are hit or miss but most of the time you take a short nap around 9:30, another around 1:00pm and sometimes one around 5:00. Most don't last more than an hour. Teeth coming in had you a bit irritable and a drooly mess for several days. One is through and the other has one tiny corner through. They're the first teeth you've gotten since your bottom two came in at 7 months.

Mommy loves you, sweet girl. Can't wait to celebrate your birthday in a few weeks!


The post Dear Alyssa – Month 11 appeared first on The Lean Green Bean.

Original Content: Dear Alyssa – Month 11

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