Thursday, November 16, 2017

Chi Running with Danny Dreyer

woman running alone in the mountains in the morning

What do you get when you cross running with tai chi? Chi Running, of course.

You've probably heard of Chi Running, as it has been helping runners (including Matt and me) for years. But unless you've really taken a dive into the philosophy, you might not know what it's all about, and how simple changes to your form and technique can completely change the way you run.

In today's episode, we chat with Danny Dreyer, founder of the Chi Running training philosophy, about how your running form, mind, and breath all play a role in your running performance.

Here's what we talk about in this episode:

  • The connection between tai chi and running.
  • Proper form techniques for injury-free running.
  • Why shoe choice matters.
  • Nose breathing when you run?
  • What it means to connect mind and body when running.

Click the button below to listen now:


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The post Chi Running with Danny Dreyer appeared first on No Meat Athlete.

Original Content: Chi Running with Danny Dreyer

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