Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Thursday Things

Hi friends!

Time for another quick round of Thursday Things! Here are a few things that have caught my eye lately! Be sure to shoot me a message or leave a comment if you've discovered something cool lately! I love finding new things!

spiral up club

Spiral Up

Last year I bought Rebecca's book Body Kindness and loved it. The kindle version is actually currently on sale for only $1.99 (aff link). This year she's taking things a step further and launching the Spiral Up Club. (aff link). I'm an affiliate for this program because I love the message and the work she's put into it and I love seeing fellow RDs diet the diet mentality and spread the message of self-love and embracing life!

Spiral Up is an exclusive year-long Body Kindness program. From her website:

Simply put, diets suck the joy out of life (and we all know they don't work!)

  • But what do you do when you stop dieting and still want to make positive changes in your life? (Maybe you even still want to lose weight — that's a really hard dilemma)
  • What if everything you do feels like a diet?
  • How do you tell people you aren't dieting when everyone else thinks it's normal to diet (or thinks you should)?
  • Where can you find reliable guidance to figure out what the F* you're going to do day in and day out in your new, non-diet life?
  • Where are "your people" who will help lift you up, listen to your "good, bad, and ugly" stories, without judgment or shame, because they've been there too and they want what you want… FREEDOM.When you're SPIRALING UP (instead of down) you bring your whole self to the people and things you value most in life and that enhances your well-being.But let's be honest. It's not always easy! Making the decision to be kind to yourself — mind, body and soul — is something you have to do every day, with the life you have now and in a culture that constantly tells you "you're doing it wrong".

    Battling this and your own inner "thought bullies" (the critic and the perfectionist) is exhausting work. It can make you feel all alone because for whatever reason, you're not allowed to need help. You "should" be able to figure this out on your own. That, my friend, is a crock of sh**.

    It is OK to need help. And it's OK to get better. Downward spirals are inevitable. We cannot avoid them, but we can notice when we're spiraling down and choose a meaningful, self-care response.

    When you have helpful prompts to reflect, a place to go for support, and a plan to take action, you feel better, day by day, and you get better. You create your own "upward spirals" one choice at a time and you create a better life.


If you're at a place where you're ready to ditch the diet mentality and start learning more about taking care of and loving yourself, but you're not sure where to start…this program is for you! Check out all the details here, plus get more info about the price (it works out to less than $1 a day for a year-long program) and learn some extra bonuses you'll get! Membership includes:

  • Monthly email prompts, downloads and worksheets
  • A private FB support group
  • Email support

And other perks! So go check it out if you're ready to embrace body kindness!

strong AF sweatshirt

Strong AF Sweatshirt

From my friends over at Simply Believe & Co. I bought this for myself on Black Friday as a little treat and I love it. So comfortable. PS…I recognize that this isn't the sweatshirt for everyone…but if you're into it, you should def get one 😉

natural peanut butter mixer

Natural Peanut Butter Mixer (aff link)

Yes, I paid money for this. That's how much I loathe stirring up a new jar of peanut butter. It just arrived last night and I cannot wait to use it.

kindergarten toolkit

Kindergarten Toolkit

I came across this on Instagram a while ago. I haven't bought it yet but i love the sound of it. It includes:

  • The Toolkit booklet focuses on 10 main Kindergarten goals.
    There are 3-4 mini lessons for each of the 10 goals. Supplemental pages in the back are designed to be copied for future assessments and lessons. You don't want to write in the booklet so it can be used with multiple children!
  • Four sets of flashcards
    – Upper and lower case letters
    – Numbers 1-20
    – 25 Kindergarten sight words
    -10 colors and shapes
  • Also included is a whiteboard, pen and eraser to use with assessments and lessons. As well as a piece of sidewalk chalk for outdoor learning!

That's it for this week!


The post Thursday Things appeared first on The Lean Green Bean.

Original Content: Thursday Things

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