Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday Things

Hi friends!

Time for another round of Thursday Things. Here are some things I'm loving lately.

breathe+ app

Breathe+ Simple Breath Trainer

I've talked a little bit before on IG stories about how I occasionally battle anxiety. One of the things that helps me is breathing. I'm not a huge yoga and extended meditation person, but I found this simple app that I've been loving. You can choose how many seconds you want to breathe in, hold it or not, and breathe out and the screen fills up with pretty colors as you count up and then the colors disappear as you breathe out. You can set the app to repeat your desired breath sequence for however many minutes you want. It's free, but I paid the $2 to get rid of the ads at the bottom so I could just focus on the wave of pretty colors. It's simple but it's been very effective for me.

brown leather purse


I think I'm late to the game on this one, but I recently discovered this site for buying and selling clothes, accessories, etc. I'm not looking to sell stuff but I was looking for a brown crossbody purse forever and couldn't find one that I like anywhere. So I checked out Poshmark and found this one from Anthropologie that someone was selling and loved it! My transaction went smoothly and it was shipped quickly. Definitely a win!

podcasts for kids

Podcasts for Kids

I mentioned on IG that we've been trying out some podcasts for kids in the car on the way to school lately and I got some great suggestions. Then my friend Sally just happened to write a great post about this exact topic. Some of the ones on her list are for kids a bit older but I'm definitely bookmarking it. We've been loving Story Pirates and the Disney podcast for Squish.

bumkins reusable bags

Bumkins Reusable Bags

I love my Stasher bags to store stuff in my fridge and freezer and pack in larger coolers, but I find them to be a bit too big for regular lunch boxes, which I discovered as I was packing a lunchbox for our first picnic of the year yesterday. So I ordered a bunch of these Bumkins reusable bags to use for the upcoming summer. They come in lots of cute patterns and sizes.


Jujube Diaper Backpack

I decided for this summer I wanted to try out a diaper bag backpack so that when I'm carrying Little Miss, wearing my cross body purse and trying to hold Squish's hand, the bag can just be on my back out of the way. After asking my mama friend, the Jujube brand came highly recommended. They're pretty expensive and I decided that while I would love one, I probably didn't need a brand new one, so I've been searching on eBay (you guys know I love eBay) and scored one yesterday in pretty much brand new condition for only $70 instead of $180 new! Excited for it to arrive next week! I love all their patterns and kinda want two…one for each car 🙂


That's it for this week!


The post Thursday Things appeared first on The Lean Green Bean.

Original Content: Thursday Things

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