Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Gift Ideas For A Second or Third Time Mom

gift ideas for a second or third baby

Looking for gift ideas for when a mom has their second or third baby? They'll probably have the basics but here a few ideas that both mom and baby will appreciate. 

Thanks to Meijer for sponsoring this post

gift ideas for a second or third baby

Hi friends!

Let's talk baby gifts shall we? We've all seen how elaborate baby showers can get when someone is about to become a first time mom. There is so much baby gear you need when you bring home your first kid! But what about the kids that come after that? See, a funny thing happens when you have your first baby. You start to make mom friends! And then more often than not, you and all your mom friends start having more babies around the same time.

While a lot of people don't even have baby showers for their second or third kid (and beyond!) you may find yourself wanting to pick up a few things for a close mom friend that's about to deliver a baby that's not their first. And if your current situation has you pregnant yourself, or running around like crazy with a few kids of your own, consider using Meijer Home Delivery to save your sanity. Just use the 'shopmeijer' app, throw a few things in your cart and let someone else shop for them and deliver them right to your door! Then you can do the fun part, ie dropping them off to your mama friend and soaking up a few newborn snuggles! You could even give the gift of Meijer Home Delivery itself to a new mama so she can use it for herself!

baby gifts

While most families will already have a lot of the basics that can be used with siblings, here are a few ideas that may be helpful for mom and baby:

diapers and rattles

First of all, diapers. You can never have too many. And by the time the second and third kids roll around, many moms have learned that babies often don't stay in newborn diapers all that long. If they had that experience with their first, they may concentrate more on stocking up on size 1 and 2 diapers and could potentially forget completely about size newborn diapers (been there, done that)! So grab them a pack of newborn diapers so they have one less thing to worry about.

Babies also love rattles and newborns flail around a lot so these cute little foot rattles are perfect for those little feet that are constantly moving. Older siblings also love shaking rattles for babies! These Rattle and Shake Barbells are fun for both siblings and babies!

baby pacifiers, clips and bottles

Quick little newsflash in case you don't know- not all babies take pacifiers. I've had one who was sucking on one from day 3, and one who wouldn't touch one even though I tried for 6 months straight. However, they're still great to have on hand to give moms that option of trying them out with their newborn. (Check out these TwistShake Orthodontic Pacifiers) If baby does happen to take a pacifier, these pacifier clips are a lifesaver to help avoid losing a million pacifiers.

Another thing mamas may or may not have experienced with their first kiddo is a need for formula. While some moms breastfeed without issue and some may choose formula from the start, still others may attempt to breastfeed and run into issues that require supplementation. When my first baby was 3 days old, he was suffering from jaundice and we had to immediately supplement with formula. Since I was planning to breastfeed, I didn't have any on hand. Help a fellow mama be prepared for a situation like that by gifting them with formula and a bottle to have on hand just in case!

mom and sibling gifts

And finally, don't forget about mama herself and any older siblings. Simple toys and activities that can keep siblings occupied while mom is busy feeding baby will always be appreciated!

And non-perishable snacks that mama can stash around the house to feed herself while she's feeding the little one will also come in handy! Trail mix, granola bars, dried fruit, nut butter packets etc are all great options!

Hopefully this gave you a few ideas! I'd love to hear from you guys! If you're a second or third time mama, what were some of the best gifts you got with your later kids?


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Meijer. The opinions and text are all mine.


Original Content: Gift Ideas For A Second or Third Time Mom

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