Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Life Lately

Helloooooooo friends!

Anybody still out there? Hard to believe it's been so long since my last post. I've missed you guys! Although I've been away from the blog, I've still been fairly good at sharing our daily life over on Instagram stories so we sure to follow me there if you don't already!

Today is officially 6 weeks since little man was born and I'm headed back to my OB for my six-week checkup! I'm feeling good and oh so ready to start easing into working out again.

Here's a quick recap of the past six weeks:

At baby's 1 week appointment, we found out he wasn't gaining weight. So I spent about 4 days feeding him every two hours around the clock, then pumping and then feeding him the pumped bottle. After 4 days, he'd gained almost 8 ounces. Then I stopped pumping but spent the next week nursing him every 2 hours during the day and 3 hours at night. After that, he had continued to gain weight and I was able to just start nursing him on demand, without following a rigid time schedule. It was an exhausting couple of weeks but I'm thankful we turned the corner and that feeding has continued to go well.

My husband was home for two weeks on paternity leave and as a family, we spent a lot of time hanging out, watching tv and readjusting to having a baby in the house. I got back into my food prep game, we had some newborn pictures taken and even ventured out to eat a couple times.

We celebrated Christmas and enjoyed watching the big kids love on their little brother. They're both doing so well with him. They think he's "so cute" and keep close tabs on where he is and what he's doing. They both have their challenging days, but I think it's more related to their ages (4 & 2) than it is to having a new baby in the house. Hubby went back to work for 2 days after paternity leave ended and then was home for basically another two weeks for Christmas and new years.

My parents came to visit for a week at new years and my sister was also able to come out for a couple of days! Hubby went back to work January 2nd so my parents were here to help for another couple of days before I was totally on my own.

Since new years, baby has hit the one month mark, i've made several solo outings with all three kids including a few trips to the doctor (one for the baby's well check – he's up over 10 pounds (8 pounds at birth) and growing well….and another for sister who hurt her foot after brother pushed her off the end of the bed), Squish has gone back to school after break and I've survived my share of toddler meltdowns and sleepless nights.

One thing I haven't done much is work. And I'm pretty proud of myself for it. I've been working hard to really just soak up this time with my kids and not worry about rushing back to work like I did with my other two. I've only opened my computer a handful of time and it's been so nice. I'm getting ready to slowly start easing back into things, figuring out what our new schedule looks like, spending more and more time in the kitchen etc so look for some new recipes in the next few weeks!

Overall, life with 3 kids is going wonderfully. It's loud, hectic, a little stressful sometimes and did I mention loud? But it's also everything I hoped it would be and more…so full of love, adventure and excitement. If you've been around a while, you may remember that Little Miss was a colicky baby who did nothing but scream for 7 months. I'm pleased to report this little nugget is not following in his sister's footsteps and I am oh so thankful! He's a good baby who is eating well, sleeping decently, likes to be held, doesn't mind his carseat and seems generally unphased by the chaos his brother and sister create.

Thanks for sticking around during this big transition. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things with some new recipes and posts for you guys. I'm also working on a toddler feeding resource that I can't wait to share with you.

If you have recipes you'd like to see, baby questions you want answered or any other requests or questions, feel free to leave them below or email me!


Original Content: Life Lately

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