Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Intractable Nature of Inertia and When It Works Against You

The propensity of an object in motion to stay in motion, and for an object at rest to stay at rest, is called inertia. Unless or until another force is applied, that object will either keep moving or it will keep still.

So, when you are the object at rest, and the point arrives where you would like for that not to be the case anymore, what kind of force feels best for you?

Let's back it up, though. Maybe the word "force" is too harsh. Especially when it comes to our bodies. Haven't we had enough of forcing, already? Because the idea is really, truly not to make yourself do something you genuinely do not wish to do, but rather coax yourself into getting and staying in motion.

A lot of our language around fitness sounds forced, doesn't it? Ass-kickings and being made to comply with a rigid set of rules in order to perform, achieve, to arrive.

Hey, that may work for some people, some of the time. If you're into that dynamic, good for you. But for many, it's difficult to maintain and it can feed on existing notions of unworthiness.

Bigger picture, rather, it's about finding something that moves with you.

Back to finding the force that takes you from stillness to motion: The nudge has to come from somewhere. Maybe you commit to a workout buddy, maybe you find a coach, maybe you set a grand goal.

Or, maybe you simply remove whatever barriers are currently sending you haywire in distracting, insurmountable ways, and let gravity do its work.

Maybe the barriers lie around having the resources for or transportation to a gym.

Maybe you don't have access to much, if any, equipment.

Maybe it irritates you to have to flip between various documents to figure out what you're supposed to be doing.

Maybe there are children and pets underfoot. Maybe you'll need to stop and start three times.

Maybe you don't want to leave the house. Or the room.

When that's the situation, removing friction is the goal.

Wherever you are, whatever you have, you are ready.

If you're open to suggestions, these are the kinds of things my team and I thought about when we created Lift Weights Faster Daily.

I was still, I craved motion, but I could only guarantee I could do one thing: open an email. Everything had to be there. Any additional complexity and I knew I'd bounce off.

It worked for me. And it's working for hundreds of others using LWF Daily now. Check out what a few of our #LWFDaily subscribers have to say and then get all the details here. If you're already subscribed, how is it working for you? I hope it has kept you in motion.


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Squeezing in a #lwfdaily workout on the porch while it rains outside. Rain! Woot! #liftweightsfaster #simplysantafe #raininthedesert

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The post The Intractable Nature of Inertia and When It Works Against You appeared first on Unapologetically Strong.

Original Content: The Intractable Nature of Inertia and When It Works Against You

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